CV & Current Projects
PhD: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, York University, in progress
Supervisor: Dr. Philipp Angermeyer
MA: Forensic Linguistics (with Distinction), Hofstra University 2017
Supervisor: Dr. Tammy Gales
Thesis: The progression of interpersonal stances in the writings of school shooters.
Adv. BA: Linguistics, University of Manitoba 2013
Research & Practical Experience:
Forensic Language Analyst: Consultant. Robert Leonard Associates.
Research Assistant for Dr. Thomas Kettig. York University. Toronto
Research Assistant for Dr. Scott Franks. Lincoln Alexander School of Law, Toronto Metropolitan University. Toronto
Lead Research Analyst. Institute for Forensic Linguistics, Threat Assessment, and Strategic Analysis. New York
Case Manager. Forensic Linguistics Capital Case Innocence Project (now the Forensic Linguistics Justice Project). New York
Teaching Experience
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Course Director (Department of Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics) 2023, 2024
LING 2450: Language and the Law. F24
LING 2450: Language and the Law. W23
Teaching Assistant (Department of Languages, Literatures, & Linguistics) 2018-2023
LING 2450: Language and the Law. TUTR 03. F24
LING 2430: Language, Power, & Persuasion. TUTR 01. W24
LING 2430: Language, Power, & Persuasion. TUTR 01. W24
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 01. F23.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 02. F23.
LING/ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 02. F22.
LING /ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 03. F22.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 01. W22.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 02. W22.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 05. W22.
LING/ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 01. F21
LING/ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 02. F21
LING 2430: Language, Power, and Persuasion. TUTR 01. W21.
LING 2430: Language, Power, and Persuasion. TUTR 02. W21.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 01. F20.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 02. F20.
LING/GWST/SOSC 2410: Language and Gender. TUTR 04. F20.
LING/ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 05. W20.
LING /ANTH 2420: Language and Culture. TUTR 06. W20.
LING 2450: Language and the Law. TUTR 01. F19.
LING 2450: Language and the Law. TUTR 05. F19.
LING 1000: Introduction to Linguistics. TUTR 06. F18/W19.
LING 1000: Introduction to Linguistics. TUTR 07. F18/W19.
Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY, New York, NY, USA
Adjunct Lecturer (Department of Academic Literacy & Linguistics) 2020-2021
LIN 250: Forensic Linguistics. 1400. F21
LIN 250: Forensic Linguistics. 1700. F21
LIN 250: Forensic Linguistics. 1700. F20.
Kupper, Julia, Marie Bojsen-Møller, Tanya Karoli Christensen, Dakota Wing, Marcus Papadopulos & Sharon Smith (2024). Decoding Terrorism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to a Lone-Actor Case. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Cambridge Elements in Forensic Linguistics]
Journal Publications
Wing, Dakota & Ana-Maria Jerca (2023). Hockey White in Canada: Raciolinguistic discourses of representation and diversity surrounding Harnarayan Singh’s debut English sports broadcasts. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 7(2), 246-268.
Wing, Dakota (2023). “It's Just Like on TV”: An Analysis of the Mirandizing Process on TV. Criminal Justice Review.
Julia Kupper, Tanya Karoli Christensen, Dakota Wing, Marlon Hurt, Matthew Schumacher and Reid Meloy (2022) The Contagion and Copycat Effect in Transnational Far-right Terrorism: An Analysis of Language Evidence. Perspectives on Terrorism. 16(4).
Conference Proceedings
Wing, Dakota & Ana-Maria Jerca (2021). “You were really good for first time in English": raciolinguistic discourse, accommodation, and gatekeeping surrounding Harnarayan Singh's English Canadian NHL broadcasts. Proceedings of the 2021 annual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
Book Reviews
Wing, Dakota (2021) [Review of the book The Suspect's Statement: Talk and Text in the Criminal Process by Komter, M.]. LINGUIST List. 32.767.
Wing, Dakota (2019) [Review of the book Legal Pragmatics by Kurzon, D and Kryk-Kastovsky, B]. LINGUIST List. 30.279.
Hurt, Marlon, Juliane Ford, & Dakota Wing (June 2024). Difficult conversations: Identity alignment in language evidence. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguistics. Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Wing, Dakota, Juliane Ford and Marlon Hurt (June 2024). A chat about ChatGPT: It's (mis)use in forensic linguistic casework. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguistics. Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Wing, Dakota & Marianne Laplante (June 2024). Wanted: A Linguistic Analysis of Law Enforcement Communication in Wanted Lists. Paper presented at the 5th European Conference of the International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguistics. Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Wing, Dakota (June 2024). Gender as a resource in investigative interviews. Paper presented at the 2024 international Investigative Interviewing Research Group conference. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Wing, Dakota & Marianne Laplante. (April 2024). Wanted words: A critical sociolinguistic study on Canadian law enforcement communications. Paper presented at the XVIII International Congress on Foreign Languages, Communication, and Culture (WEFLA) 2024 and the XVIII International Seminar on Canadian Studies (SECAN) 2024. Holguin, Cuba .
Wing, Dakota (March 2024). Stancetaking in police reports. Paper presented at the American Association for Applied Linguistics. Colloquium on 'police discourse: language by, with, and about police throughout the legal process'. Houston, Texas, USA.
Wing, Dakota (June 2023). Explaining genre variability in Canadian police reports: Competing orientations to multiple audiences and functions. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Language and Law. York University, Toronto, Canada.
Wing, Dakota (June 2023). Discursive orientations to multiple audiences and functions In Canadian police reports. Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association 2023 Annual Meeting at the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, York University, Toronto, Canada.
Wing, Dakota (July 2022). From opinion to fact: ‘Beliefs’ and subjective descriptors in Canadian police reports. Paper presented at 4th European Conference of the International Association of Forensic and Legal Linguists. University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Wing, Dakota (July 2022). The Bruton Rule: Redactions from a linguistic perspective. Paper presented at the 2022 Law and Society Global Meeting. University Institute of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal.
Wing, Dakota (June 2022). It’s not “just like on TV”: A corpus analysis and examination of Miranda warnings on TV. Paper presented at the 2022 international Investigative Interviewing Research Group. University of Winchester, Winchester, UK.
Wing, Dakota (April 2022). Redacting language evidence: linguistic ideologies and consequences of Bruton Rule redactions. Paper presented at the 2022 YorkU Graduate Symposium. York University, Toronto, Canada.
Wing, Dakota (September 2021). "It's just like on TV": TV actors vs legal actors in the Mirandizing process. Paper presented at the 15th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists. Aston University, Birmingham, UK (Online).
Wing, Dakota (June 2021). Policing masculinity: Constructing, commanding, and challenging masculinity in police interviews. Paper presented at the 17th International Pragmatics Association Conference. Zurich University, Winterthur, Switzerland (Online).
Wing, Dakota (June 2021) with Ana-Maria Jerca. "You were really good for your first time in English": Raciolinguistic discourse, accommodation, and gatekeeping surrounding Hararyan Singh's English Canadian NHL broadcasts. Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association 2021 Annual Meeting. Canada. (Online). *Awarded 'honourable mention' as runners-up for the best student paper presentation.
Wing, Dakota (April 2021). "You watch TV, you know the drill": Reinforced ideologies in American police interviews when officers compare Miranda warnings to fictional TV representations. Paper presented at the 2021 YorkU Graduate Symposium. Toronto, Canada (Online).
Wing, Dakota (July 2019). "Be a man": Appealing to discursive constructions of masculinity in police interviews. Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of the International Association of Forensic Linguists. RMIT, Melbourne, Australia.
Wing, Dakota (August 2018). [Redacted]: Consequences of the Bruton Rule. Paper presented at the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics 2018 Roundtable. University of York, York, UK.
Wing, Dakota & Michaela Everett (April 2018). 21st Century Jihad: An evaluation of the thematic role of religion in extremist propaganda literature and radicalized online communities. Paper presented at the International Linguistic Association 63rd Annual Conference. St. John’s University, New York, USA.
Wing, Dakota (August 2017). The Progression of Interpersonal Stances in the Writings of School Shooters. Paper presented at the Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics 2017 Roundtable. Copenhagen University, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Michaela Everett & Wing, Dakota(May 2017). The Language of Parole Board Hearings in the State of Montana. Research project presented to the American Civil Liberties Union, New York, USA.
Wing, Dakota (December 2016). Judgement in Threats: An Appraisal Analysis. Language as Evidence Conference. Hofstra University, New York, USA.
Invited Talks and Lectures
Wing, Dakota (March 2024). Beyond the screen: Linguistic ideologies in the media and their social and legal consequences. Aston University. Forensic Linguistics AND... series.
Wing, Dakota (April 2023). Media representations of Miranda warnings. Hofstra University, Department of Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics, Forensic Linguistics. New York.
Wing, Dakota & Ana-Maria Jerca (April 2022). Hockey fans as employment gatekeepers: Sounding "right" in the sportscasting booth as a racialized person. Workshop on linguistic equity and justice. University of Toronto Mississauga.
Wing, Dakota (April 2022). Relying on TV: Miranda warnings in/as practice. Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York. Department of Academic Literacy and Linguistics. Forensic Linguistics.
Wing, Dakota (February 2022). The linguist meets the legal system: An introduction to forensic linguistics. Brock University, Department of Applied Linguistics Speaker Series.
Wing, Dakota & Philipp Angermeyer (February 2022). Forensic Linguistics. University of Toronto Mississauga, Forensic Science Program.
Wing, Dakota (November 2021). Language Evidence: Approaches & Methods. Hofstra University, Department of Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics. New York.
Wing, Dakota (April 2021). "Be a man": Policing gender in police interviews. Northeastern University, Department of Linguistics. Forensic Linguistics.
Wing, Dakota (June 2020). Forensic Linguistics in Criminal Investigations: Some things to be aware of in linguistic analyses. Training seminar presented to the Federal Bureau of Investigation: Behavioural Analysis Unit (Units 1, 2, & 5).
Wing, Dakota (September 2019). The Police Interview Masculinity Persona: A gendered dilemma. Hofstra University, Department of Comparative Literature, Languages, and Linguistics. New York.
Wing, Dakota (April 2018) Words on Trial: Language as Evidence. St. Francis College, Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice. New York.
Wing, Dakota (March 2018). Redacting Language Evidence: A Bruton Rule Case Study. Forensic Linguistics in Counter-terrorism, Intelligence, Counterintelligence, Threat Assessment, and Law Enforcement. Hofstra University, New York.
Wing, Dakota (January 2018). Patterns of Interpersonal Stances in the Writings of School Shooters: An Appraisal Analysis. University of Manitoba, Department of Linguistics, Colloquium. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Service & Engagement
In collaboration with Dr. Tammy Gales, I co-maintain, a website developed as an effort to provide access to publicly available forensic linguistic data to promote and assist in furthering the scientific inquiry, promote transparency, and encourage replicability of forensic linguistic research.
Conference Organizing Committee
Canadian Symposium on Language and Law . York University, Canada (2023)
Colloquium Organizer
with Annina Heini. Colloquium on "Police discourse: Language by, with, and about police in the legal process" at the American Association for Applied Linguistics 2024 Conference. Houston, Texas. (2024)
Reviewer (Journals)
International Journal of Speech, Language, and the Law (2021)
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique (2023)
Reviewer (Conference Abstracts)
American Association for Applied Linguistics 2025 Conference (Language and Law strand). 2024
American Association for Applied Linguistics 2024 Conference (Language and Law strand). 2023
Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics 2023 Roundtable. 2023.
Conference Assistant
Canadian Linguistic Association 2023 Annual Meeting. York University, Toronto, Canada (2023)
International Linguistic Association 2016 Conference. Hofstra University, New York, USA. (2016)
Polyglot Conference. New York, USA (2015)
York University Graduate Linguistics & Applied Linguistics Student Association
Graduate Student Mentor (2021-2024)
Treasurer (2020-2022)
Funding & Awards
SSRHC Doctoral Fellowship (2022-2023) $20,000
SSHRC Connection Grant (collaborator) (2022) $16,125
IAFLL Student Travel Bursary (2022) €400
CLA Best Student Paper Award (Honourable mention) (2021) $100
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2021-2022) $15,000
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2020-2021) $15,000
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2019-2020) $15,000
Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2018-2019) $15,000
Roger Shuy Travel Award (2019) $1000 + registration costs (Awarded on behalf of the International Association of Forensic Linguists to attend the 14th Biennial Conference in Melbourne, Australia “in recognition of the potential contribution your research brings to the development and promotion of the discipline of Forensic Linguistics")
York Graduate Scholarship (2018) $3000
International Association of Forensic & Legal Linguistics (IAFLL)
Germanic Society for Forensic Linguistics (GSFL)
Linguistic Society of America (LSA)
Canadian Linguistic Association (CLA)
Law & Society Associaiton (LSA)
International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG)
Canadian Society of Evidence-Based Policing (CAN-SEBP)
Canadian Association of Threat Assessment Professionals (CATAP)
American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)